What You Need To Know

Why Are We Here?

To help believers transition from just maintaining their relationship with God to being in ministry and on mission for God.

How Do We Do That?

Developing ministry and mission minded believers by focusing on four areas of spiritual discipline: (1) Membership – having the right attitude, (2) Maturity – having the right application, (3) Ministry and Mission – having the right approach, and (4) Management – having the right actions.

When Do We Meet?

GB worships together on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am, and we study the Word together on Sundays at 8:30 am, on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm, and on Wednesdays at 10:30 am. Our services are approximately an hour and a half long.

What Do I Wear?

GB wants you to worship the Lord comfortably. Some of our members come dressed in “church clothes” (e.g. dress, suit and tie), but we also have members who dress more casually. Our main focus is to worship God, hear His Word and to fellowship with His children, without regard to what you wear.

What to expect when you arrive?

Once you enter the sanctuary, our ushers will assist you with finding somewhere to sit and with directions to the restrooms, and will provide you with the morning bulletin and a visitors card (for first-time guests). Our music ministry sings gospel music. The deacons and ushers lead us in our offering. Digital giving is also available at www.givelify.com. The morning sermon will be delivered by our pastor, or someone he invites to share with the congregation. If you decide to make GB your church home, an opportunity to become a member of our family will be extended just before the benediction.

Does GB Have a Place for my kids?

We will be launching a children’s ministry soon. Dr. Mickles is working hard to prepare a staff and a curriculum to help give your children an enjoyable experience with a strong biblical foundation.